Alexander Yelagin2016-05-06 23:03:21
Alexander Yelagin, 2016-05-06 23:03:21

How to filter resources via tv-parameter in getResources?

It is necessary to filter resources by specifying the value of the TV parameter in the request condition. But the value of the tv-parameter can be a comma-separated list.

     &where=`{"main_goods:IN" : [[*analog_goods]]}`

0.0000110: Added selection of modTemplateVarResource: IFNULL(`value`, '') AS `tv.title` 0.0000842 :
Replaced TV conditions
0.0058479: Processed additional conditions . Tell me how to correctly compose the "where" condition so that you can apply the condition by the TV parameter

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Sergey, 2016-05-09

Try this option:

&where=`["1 = 1 AND FIND_IN_SET('[[*main_goods]]', replace(analog_goods, '||', ','))"]`

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