rizzli2017-01-06 13:06:41
Computer networks
rizzli, 2017-01-06 13:06:41

How to expose a local server (a physical piece of iron in a home network) to the Internet if there is no static ip and there is a router?

Perhaps the question is stupid, but still) I myself am not strong in networks.
All for the sake of just for fun, and not for the sake of saving 200 rubles a month.
There is a piece of iron on ARM, there is no project on it.
Are there free services where you can report your ip at a certain interval (the ip itself is dynamic, which is hidden behind NAT), and they would proxy requests to it? In order not to update dns and related delays.
Or are there any other solutions?
Happy holidays everyone!
IP 172.xxx.xxx.xxx issued to the router, visible from the Internet as 5.xxx.xxx.xxx

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3 answer(s)
Zakhar Storozhuk, 2017-01-06

You set dynamic dns, on the router to the "server" you issue a lifetime IP in LAN (so that after reboots, it does not change its local IP), then port forwarding to that "server". Voila.
But it's better to pay N-rubles and buy a white IP from a provider, it costs a penny (cheaper than the cheapest hosting), I did it myself :)

Ruslan Fedoseev, 2017-01-06

I don’t know for free, you can look for a cheap vpn, raise it from the server to the world, get a real ip on the server and enjoy;)
If anything, I can help with an inexpensive vpn;)

123459, 2017-01-06

call the provider's support and ask what tariff plans have a white ip, maybe there is a cheaper tariff than your current + address lease
if your provider has a local network between different clients, you have access to another client and the client has a white ip - put l2 vpn and drive the necessary traffic through it (there are firmware with vpn servers for some routers, some routers).
- did not look for how to do this on arm, other people's ipv6 tunnels can be unstable.
https://habrahabr .ru/post/237019/ tor is slow, clients must have tor/torbrowser running to access your site

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