Denis Sakharov2017-04-08 10:06:43
Denis Sakharov, 2017-04-08 10:06:43

How to execute an action before rendering from the server?

There is a react + redux app with server rendering.
It has a component in which the list of users obtained from the api is displayed.
The action for the api request is called with componentWillMount() .
Now it turns out that the request to the api is always executed on the client, but I would like that when the site/users page is opened , a ready-made html with users comes from the server.
Actually the question is: how to execute an action on the server and give the user a page with the results?

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1 answer(s)
Islam Ibakaev, 2017-04-08

// Register server-side rendering middleware
app.get('*', (req, res) => {
  if (__DEV__) {

   const store = configureStore();

  // If __DISABLE_SSR__ = true, disable server side rendering
  if (__DISABLE_SSR__) {

  const memoryHistory = createMemoryHistory(req.url);
  const history = syncHistoryWithStore(memoryHistory, store, {
    selectLocationState: state => state.get('routing').toJS(),

  // eslint-disable-next-line max-len
  match({history: memoryHistory, routes, location: req.url }, (error, redirectLocation, renderProps) => {
    if (error) {
    } else if (redirectLocation) {
      res.redirect(302, redirectLocation.pathname + redirectLocation.search);
    } else if (!renderProps) {
    } else {
      // Dispatch the initial action of each container first
      const promises = renderProps.components
        .filter(component => component.fetchData)
        .map(component => component.fetchData(store.dispatch, renderProps.params));
      // Then render the routes
        .then(() => {
          // Using the enhanced history of react-redux-router to instead of the 'memoryHistory'
          const props = Object.assign({}, renderProps, { history });
          const content = renderToString(
            <Provider store={store}>
               <RouterContext {...props} />

          res.status(200).send(renderHtmlPage(store, content));

your component that is loaded when going to the route should have a static fetchData method, it might look something like this
class UsersPage extends React.Component {
  static async fetchData(url) {
    try {
      const res = await axios.get(url);
      const users = res.data 
    } catch(err) {
  componentDidMount() {
  render() {
    return (
     // whatever

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