V1tally2014-02-18 16:56:30
Law in IT
V1tally, 2014-02-18 16:56:30

How to execute a deal with a Ukrainian contractor, an individual?

We make websites, there is a need to periodically connect a freelancer from Ukraine for one-time work on some orders (layout, programming).
We operate as an LLC on the territory of the Russian Federation. How do we formalize a deal with a freelancer?
We trust this person, but for the sake of cleanliness, we need to work with him under a contract.
Probably it should be a civil law contract for the provision of services.
Who solved this problem? How to do well for him and us? We are ready to include in the price the taxes that he has to pay.
Are there examples of contracts online?

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1 answer(s)
Oleg, 2014-02-18

A regular contract with a mention that the contractor is a citizen of another
state, for clarity, express the cost of the contract in dollars or any other currency as agreed, also keep in mind that if you conduct it according to a white scheme, it is advisable to mention that you are not his tax agent in the territory his state and, accordingly, he will have to pay the tax on the income of his country, it is also possible that you will have to enter him into the state as a remote employee, pay tax for him here, and only after that you will be credited with his salary.
By and large, go to the tax office and ask, get info from the original source

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