Igor2015-12-08 15:58:31
Igor, 2015-12-08 15:58:31

How to edit text in VI or how to get advanced editing options?

Let's say I need to edit this text so that it goes in one column and does not crawl under the photo.
how to do?
Thank you!

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4 answer(s)
Igor, 2015-12-17


Oleg Spiridonov, 2015-12-08

Ideally - to edit css, if you do not understand this - use crutches, such as placing an image and text in adjacent table cells. It's not very correct, but it will work. Especially if you only need this behavior on one page. Although, perhaps, even in this case, you will have to edit the css.

Mr Crabbz, 2015-12-08

Without knowledge of Wordpress development (specifically, in your case, editing editor-styles.css, etc.) using the standard tools of the WP editor out of the box, there is no way. Unless you look for some plugins that will expand the functionality of the editor.

Artem Abramovich, 2015-12-10

The easiest way is to use a shortcode plugin and split data into columns, and that's it.
There are a lot of similar plugins, for example Shortcode Ultimate

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