Detcelfer2019-01-25 12:18:23
Detcelfer, 2019-01-25 12:18:23

How to dynamically create, store and access class objects?

Project description:
I'm trying to make an alarm clock based on Arduino, which should have the following features:
- create a new alarm clock
- delete the created alarm clock
- store settings in the created alarm clock (setting time, repetition days, on / off)
I imagine an array that stores class objects containing a set of variables that store information about the alarm clock.
How can one implement dynamic creation of class objects of the same type? How to work with this?

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1 answer(s)
beerchaser, 2019-01-26

Why create a lot of objects? What is wrong with the cron logic? To ensure the required accuracy, we look through a file of several records once per second. Those. One alarm, one entry. The recording format defines all the necessary functionality: trigger time, on/off, repeat days, ring tone, etc. Moreover, both read and write directly to the storage device. Considering that the storage device is conditionally flash and read operations will prevail, I do not see a big gain from transferring structures to memory. If only to practice. But here everything is simple - a dynamic list with pointers to objects.

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