bozuriciyu2019-10-09 17:05:00
bozuriciyu, 2019-10-09 17:05:00

How to download a million pictures?

There are a million links to pictures. Suppose there is no rate limit on the donor site. What is the fastest way to download them? If you download alternately, then let's say 1 picture in 1 second is 11 days of pumping without a break. If you put in 10 streams, then for a day. But all the same, somehow for a long time (pictures in general and 10 million maybe)
I planned to download using a script on the Node. Hence the question is one more, how to parallelize in 10 threads? Well, i.e. Stupidly going through the cycle will not work, he will apparently make a thousand requests in milliseconds. Those. I need to optimize it somehow.
Maybe there are suitable tools for this pumping task? Node modules or python, you can use some kind of Gooey on the kraynyak.

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2 answer(s)
Andrew, 2019-10-09

download_images_from_csv.sh (finish for yourself if necessary)

COLUMN=1 # csv column to extract
RENAME=false # if we should rename the file, note that is was really specific for my problem.
THREADS=16 # threads to use by parallel

#Set Script Name variable
SCRIPT=`basename ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}`

#Set fonts for Help.
NORM=`tput sgr0`
BOLD=`tput bold`
REV=`tput smso`

# Help function
function HELP {
  echo -e \\n"Help documentation for ${SCRIPT}."\\n
  echo -e "Basic usage: ./$SCRIPT"\\n
  echo "Command line switches are optional. The following switches are recognized."
  echo "-f csv file = required should be last argument"
  echo "-c column, default $COLUMN"
  echo "-t threads, default $THREADS"
  echo "-r renamd, should be renamed - work in progress here because this is really specific renaming"
  echo -e "-h --Displays this help message. No further functions are performed."\\n
  echo -e "Example: ./${BOLD}$SCRIPT -rc 2 -f file.csv"\\n
  exit 1

#Check the number of arguments. If none are passed, print help and exit.
if [ $NUMARGS -eq 0 ]; then
  exit 1

while getopts ::c::r:h:f FLAG; do
  case $FLAG in
    h)  #show help
      echo -e \\n"Option -${BOLD}$OPTARG${NORM} not allowed."

shift $((OPTIND-1))

# shift ops, all optional args are now removed $1 will have to be the filename

if [ "$RENAME" = true ]; then
    mkdir -p images && cat $FILE | tail -n +2 | cut -d ',' -f$COLUMN | grep http | sed -e 's/^[ \t\r]*//' | \
        (cd images; parallel -j$THREADS -d'\r\n' --gnu 'wget {}; mv {/} `echo "{/}" | tr "." "_" | cut -d "_" -f1,3 | tr "_" "."`')
    mkdir -p images && cat $FILE | tail -n +2 | cut -d ',' -f$COLUMN | grep http | sed -e 's/^[ \t\r]*//' | \
        (cd images; parallel -j$THREADS -d'\r\n' --gnu 'wget {};')

htr, 2019-10-17

Why write a bike - file downloader? if there is already a list of files? there are a lot of these utilities for any OS) in terms of timing everything depends on the channel, I would not count pcs / sec, but in Mb / sec ... and photos are different in 10Kb or 25Mb.

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