Roman Govorov2021-03-11 17:22:26
Roman Govorov, 2021-03-11 17:22:26

How to do routes in Laravel 8 specific pages from Database?

I'm learning Laravel now, I started with version 8, in many courses everyone does primitive things, create a main page and a post page. But they do n’t say how to make specific pages like site.ru /about/ .

So the question is, there is a table with pages in the database, each page has a SLUG, when a request is made to the router, SLUG is transmitted further in the controller, I check whether there is such a page in the database, if there is, I display it, if not, I send it to 404, this is done in order to so that I don't write manually into routes every time like /about/, /about2/, /about3/ .... /about9999/.

Am I understanding the implementation correctly? If not, tell me how to do it right...


Route::get('/{page:slug}', '[email protected]')->name('page.single')->middleware('shortcode');

class PageController extends Controller
    public function index()

        $data = Page::with('layout')->where('slug', 'home-page')->firstOrFail();
        $data->views += 1;
        $data['thumbnail_url'] = $data->getImage();
        return view(
    public function show($slug)
        if ($slug === 'home-page'){
            return Redirect::route('home');
        $data = Page::where('slug', $slug)->firstOrFail();
        $data->views += 1;
        return view(

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2 answer(s)
Alexey Ukolov, 2021-03-11

Well, in general, everything looks right, if you want to do just that.
Little by little:

  • You specify the model binding in the route , but do not use it in the controller.
  • Both methods can be combined into one by making 'home-page' the default value. You can redirect when the request came explicitly to /home-page, and there will be less code.
  • In the with() request, it makes sense to specify when talking about a collection, there will be no difference for one element. Actually, due to doubled code, you have eager loading in one method, but not in the other, and everything works nonetheless.
  • $data->increment('views'), if you want your statistics to be calculated correctly.
  • Why do you store the Page model object in a variable with an uninformative name $data?

jazzus, 2021-03-12

This implementation is no different from the posts page. The same show method of the Page resource. It's right to do so.

Route::get('/pages/{page:slug}', '[email protected]')->name('pages.show');

public function show(Page $page)

    return view('page.show', compact('page'));

But they don’t say how to make specific pages like site.ru/about/.

Such pages are not saved in the database, if not from the admin panel. And in the template, everything is handled.
Route::view('about', 'page.about')->name('about');

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