Alexey Konovalov2020-04-24 17:56:52
Alexey Konovalov, 2020-04-24 17:56:52

How to do multilevel routing correctly?

Hello! Completely confused with routing, kick in the right direction.
I'm trying to make pages:

  • /user/234 - user page
  • /user/234/albums - user's albums page
  • /user/234/albums/edit/234 - specific user album

It turns out this route:
'user/(?P<user_id>[0-9]+)(/(?P<action>[a-z_-]+))?' => [
   'controller' => 'user'

It turns out that user is a controller, 234 is its ID, albums is an action - a controller method. But what is edit in this case? But what if there is more such nesting, for example, when these are categories and subcategories?

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1 answer(s)
Andrey, 2020-04-24

Discover the HTTP methods (get/post/put/delete/patch) - they were invented for a reason.
For ease of solution, take the form CLASS/param/param/param
/user/234 - user's page
/user/234 - similar to the previous
albums/user/234/ - user's albums page 234
albums/567 - user's specific album (if album numbers are cross-cutting)
albums/234/6 - if you need two user-num fields
But what to do - let it specify the HTTP method (get/put/delete)
Well, or CLASS/METHOD/param/param/param

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