Sergey Ignatiev2018-10-17 11:42:48
Sergey Ignatiev, 2018-10-17 11:42:48

How to display the number of Google Forms completions on a separate page?

In Google Forms, it is possible to see a number that shows the total number of times a particular form has been filled out. Tell me, how can you display exactly this number on a separate page, so that you can quickly and conveniently monitor the number of fillings in a large number of forms?
The fact is that there are more than 100 forms that are constantly filled out. It is very inconvenient to open each form individually each time to see the number of fillings. Please tell me how can I simplify this process?

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2 answer(s)
kotmypkotov, 2018-10-17

If you think about it, everything is realizable, try:

Ivan Burban, 2018-10-18

Parse this number from the corresponding Google Doc and pass it to Data Studio as a regular expression. You will make one summary report in this way and you will see both the quantity (it is possible in the context of time), and top forms, etc.

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