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How to display the ACF field under the category heading?
Good afternoon. How to insert text under the title of a category, or rather a subcategory?
The text is set by the ACF plugin and should be output by the ml-atr-cat tag.
It was possible to display only under the title, but the prescribed meta is not displayed in any way.
function my_woocommerce_after_shop_loop() {
$cate = get_queried_object();
$cateID = $cate->term_id;
$mycat = 'product_cat_' . $cateID;
$my_gallery = get_field('ml-acf-pc-atr', $mycat);
echo '' . ( $my_gallery ) . '';
add_action('woocommerce_subcategory_count_html', 'my_woocommerce_after_shop_loop', 10, 2);
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Here is the working code
function add_custom_field_subcat( $category ) {
$value = get_field('category_description', 'product_cat_'. $category->term_id);
echo $value;
add_action( 'woocommerce_before_subcategory_title', 'add_custom_field_subcat', 15 );
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