Sergey Sviridonov2017-12-26 11:33:58
Sergey Sviridonov, 2017-12-26 11:33:58

How to display records by filtering out copies of a specific field in yii2?

Good afternoon!
I'm trying to display records, filtering out copies:

$query = Product::find();
    $pages = new Pagination([
      'totalCount' => $query->count(),
      'pageSize' => 15,
      'forcePageParam' => false,
      'pageSizeParam' => false,
    $products = $query->offset($pages->offset)->limit($pages->limit)->all();
    return $this->render('index', [
      'products' => $products,
      'pages' => $pages,

id code name price quantity desc sale
I tried groupBy, but I want to display the products with the lowest price.
Task: Get all products so that the code field is not duplicated (there are many records with the same code field - product code) you need to get products with a low price for each code.
Something like this, but only with all fields (for my task)
SELECT code_medication, MIN(price) FROM tailings t GROUP BY code_medication LIMIT 50;

ps so that pagination would work. Any ideas? And then he broke his head.
Thank you very much in advance

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4 answer(s)
Konstantin, 2019-10-17

The error is thrown inside the handleClose function . You are trying to pass a non-existent function to the console. Hence this error

Vladimir, 2019-10-17

Mistake number 1 - remove the word "public"
Mistake number two - never do

Andrew, 2017-12-26

SELECT DISTINCT code_medication, MIN(price) FROM tailings t GROUP BY code_medication LIMIT 50;

->select('code, MIN(price)')

$subQuery = (new Query())->select('MIN(t2.price)')->from('tailings t2')->where('t2.code_medication = t.code_medication');
$query = Product::find()->from('tailings t')->where(['t.price' =>  $subQuery])->groupBy('t.code_medication');

$countQuery = clone $query;

$pages = new Pagination([
      'totalCount' => $countQuery->count(),
      'pageSize' => 15,
      'forcePageParam' => false,
      'pageSizeParam' => false,
$products = $query->offset($pages->offset)->limit($pages->limit)->all();

Nikita, 2017-12-26

distinct() on the model's code_medication field

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