Kenny002019-10-04 14:29:30
Kenny00, 2019-10-04 14:29:30

How to display an authorization window when connecting to a wi-fi network?

The task is that when you connect to a wi-fi network, a browser opens with an authorization page.
Using this article - How Windows determines the presence of an exit in ... and this one - How Windows determines an Internet connection
1. Closed any access except for a proxy
, network, the browser does not open, the system generally does not consider that it does not have access to the Internet, as if nothing had happened.
If you go into the browser and type any site, the redirect to the authorization page goes through without any problems. This is not suitable, since the user must immediately understand that he does not have the Internet, since the browser is not always needed, and the system does not tell him about it.
Where would you recommend looking? How does Windows still understand that there is or is not the Internet? Why does she think that there is access to the Internet?
Below are the results of the checks:
SQUI redirect to the authorization server: TCP_DENIED/302 350 GET http://www.msftncsi.com/ncsi.txt - HIER_NONE/- text/html TCP_DENIED/302 350 GET http://www.msftconnecttest.com/redirect - HIER_NONE/- text/html

ping to microsoft resources
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18362.356]
(c) Корпорация Майкрософт (Microsoft Corporation), 2019. Все права защищены.

C:\Users\ynnek>ping www.msftconnecttest.com

Обмен пакетами с 4-c-0003.c-msedge.net [] с 32 байтами данных:
Превышен интервал ожидания для запроса.
Превышен интервал ожидания для запроса.
Превышен интервал ожидания для запроса.
Превышен интервал ожидания для запроса.

Статистика Ping для
    Пакетов: отправлено = 4, получено = 0, потеряно = 4
    (100% потерь)

C:\Users\ynnek>ping www.msftncsi.com

Обмен пакетами с a1961.g2.akamai.net [] с 32 байтами данных:
Превышен интервал ожидания для запроса.
Превышен интервал ожидания для запроса.
Превышен интервал ожидания для запроса.
Превышен интервал ожидания для запроса.

Статистика Ping для
    Пакетов: отправлено = 4, получено = 0, потеряно = 4
    (100% потерь)

> dns.msftncsi.com
Server:  UnKnown

Non-authoritative answer:
Name:    dns.msftncsi.com
Addresses:  fd3e:4f5a:5b81::1

Well, after all the checks, Windows "thinks" that it is on the Internet.

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2 answer(s)
Drno, 2019-10-04

As far as I know, Windows checks for the presence of an Internet by DNS request ...
It is necessary to dig in the direction of the pop-up window where the network is, authorization (intervention) of the user is required. Browser will not automatically open

Governor, 2019-10-05

Authorization in the network is like 'captive portal' is called.

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