Anton2015-12-26 21:44:12
Anton, 2015-12-26 21:44:12

How to display a list of records?

How to display a list of records from a database using QML?
There is nothing sensible in Google, errors all the time ...
Start with:
ui = new QDeclarativeView;
Next, you need to get data from the database (for example, news):

QSqlQueryModel *sqlModel = new QSqlQueryModel(this);
sqlModel->setQuery("SELECT * FROM news");

Next, you need to transfer the model to the qml file:
QDeclarativeContext *context = ui->rootContext();
context->setContextProperty("sqlModel", sqlModel);

And in it already in the ListView to display lists:
ListView {
    anchors.fill: parent
    model: sqlModel
    delegate: Text {
        text: title

We finish:

As a result, nothing is displayed in the qml file in the ListView. On the "title" field, he swears, they say, there is no such thing:
qrc:/mainpage.qml:74: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: title

Line 74: text: title
Please help, I've already googled everything...

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1 answer(s)
Jacob E, 2015-12-26

How to use a QSqlQueryModel in QML
5 step is deprecated, today instead of these lines in main.cpp we simply write:

ArtistsSqlModel *artistsSqlModel = new ArtistsSqlModel( qApp);

QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("artistsModel", artistsSqlModel);

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