bumbay2014-09-16 20:35:10
bumbay, 2014-09-16 20:35:10

How to disconnect connection in socket.io and then reconnect?

I am writing an application in AngularJS, it is necessary to disconnect the connection when the user logs out, and create a new one when the user logs in again.
I did it like this, when I exit I execute:
And I clear the socket variable.
But when I log in, the connection is not established.

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1 answer(s)
bumbay, 2014-09-16

Almost undocumented socket.io leads to a long time to solve various problems.
Solution found on a great site .

// 0.9  socket.io version
io.connect(SERVER_IP, {'force new connection': true});

// 1.0 socket.io version
io.connect(SERVER_IP, {forceNew: true });

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