N00B1T0S2015-12-05 18:12:32
Google Chrome
N00B1T0S, 2015-12-05 18:12:32

How to disable opening new tabs in Chrome?

Hello. The problem is this: I installed an extension for chrome, while surfing it periodically opens advertising sites in a new tab (not a pop-up window), namely in a new tab. For example, I’m sitting in VK, bam, and a site opens with advertising in a new tab. How can I prevent this extension from opening new tabs? Or in general, is there an option in chrome to disable the opening of new tabs? Demolishing the extension itself is not an option.
Here's another situation. I want to refresh the page, and instead of this page, an advertisement opens up for me (a third-party site opens in a new tab).

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2 answer(s)
spacy fox, 2015-12-05

try adblock for chrome

wol_fi, 2015-12-05

You can go the difficult, wrong and ungrateful way.
Dig up the extension files in the chrome folder, among them there will definitely be .js files.
inside these js files there will be a call to window.open, which needs to be removed\commented out.

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