pashaxp2015-09-02 17:27:45
Apache HTTP Server
pashaxp, 2015-09-02 17:27:45

How to disable directory listing and redirect at the same time?

There is a rather long link to the image, with slashes, each slash separates the folder of the file system
And changing the link for example, like this:
without the disabled directory listing we see the files in the blablabla folder, which is not good.
Options -Indexes
in the .htaccess of the project and opening the link example.com/bla/blabla/blablabla, we see the standard error 403, forbidden.
How to make it so that when visiting the link example.com/bla/blabla/blablabla , there is a redirect to a custom 404 page, for example, example.com/404.php or to the main example.com? Using standard web server tools, by adding some option to htaccess or to the virtualhost of the web server

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1 answer(s)
Ruslan Fedoseev, 2015-09-02

errordocument directives

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