havemanyquestions2018-06-30 18:02:45
havemanyquestions, 2018-06-30 18:02:45

How to dim an LED strip so that the power consumption changes depending on the brightness?

1. What determines the possibility or impossibility of adjusting the brightness of the LED strip: power supply, the strip itself, ...?
2. What is the technical level dimming principle of LED strip in general?
3. As far as I understand, the brightness of the tape can be changed with a dimmer, but the power supply will always work at maximum. How to make it so that, depending on the brightness of the LEDs, the current consumption of the power supply also changes (PWM, voltage regulation, ...)? There are 300W LEDs, I want to have a margin, but I will use 20-40% brightness, I seem to win, but I also lose decently.
PS Dividing the entire length into segments and turning on each segment with your own power supply as needed is a bad option.

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2 answer(s)
15432, 2018-06-30

There are two approaches to LED brightness control: PWM and current control. In the first case, the current is turned on/off a lot of times per second, as a result, the average brightness decreases. This is how dimmers work.
The most adequate approach is to regulate the current. The more current enters the diode, the greater the brightness. Moreover, the voltage should be regulated automatically by the power source. In this case, it is necessary to have an adjustment in the current source itself in order to be able to adjust the brightness.

n12eq3, 2018-06-30

buy a slag dimmer for a dollar and use it. source consumption will decrease. the load on the source will decrease.
for ready-made LED strips or other junk, any other control principle is not feasible and will not give anything suitable for practical use.

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