Murlika2014-07-16 10:03:54
Ruby on Rails
Murlika, 2014-07-16 10:03:54

How to develop as a junior ruby ​​on rails programmer?

I am a junior programmer. Work experience - and a year is not present. 1 project I did, and a few small jobs in others. There is an acquaintance with backborne, angular, TDD, git
How to develop further to become a senjor? And how to get the experience required by employers (in vacancies there is experience from a year)?

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5 answer(s)
Eugene Burmakin, 2014-07-16

Do projects. Practice constantly. Not a day without a couple of commits. Learn best practices.

Sergey, 2014-07-16

Useful links for general development:
In the noname podcast, by the way, they have now begun to interview rubyists, it is interesting to listen

Ilya Erofeev, 2014-07-17

In this regard, I really liked the Ruby on Rails developer competency matrix .
You can search (set) tasks and perform them. Self-discipline, of course, is needed here.
You can go (skype) through interviews and get somewhere for an internship.
You can join a community of learners (for example: www.theodinproject.com/).
You can just go through all sorts of tutorials stuffing your hand. ( tutorials.jumpstartlab.com code.tutsplus.com/categories/ruby and many others, these are just examples)
In any case, the path to signor is very thorny and will require patience, strength and experience of real combat projects.

Marat Amerov, 2014-07-20

to feel confident in the Ruby world, get familiar with metaprogramming
, learn pry, study the sources of popular projects.
here's another topic habrahabr.ru/company/itbursa/blog/220037

WonderMetal, 2014-07-31

one person told me - Tests Tests and again Tests
Damn, he was a fool that he didn’t start using them before (

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