txthex2015-01-30 21:56:53
txthex, 2015-01-30 21:56:53

How to develop a teaching methodology?

Good afternoon, evening, in programming 0, well, or almost 0, depending on what to compare with :) rather 0.
I’m trying to organize a learning sequence for myself from scratch, as experience has shown, jerky thoughtful reading, even if it doesn’t bring results 10-15-20 times, the efficiency is very low, I suppose due to the fact that 90% of the literature that I found, and actually that is on the network - reference books, manuals, for people with experience or already with a formed base of understanding of what is actually stated in the book.
For example, on the 5th chapter of Aaron Hillegasse's book "objective C programming for ios, mac os", a little further if else false true, complete bookmark due to the lack of my knowledge and the fact that the information provided is not thoroughly understood. The situation is similar with the book become xcoder and so on, in fact, somewhere a dry reference book, somewhere abstract examples - well, in my understanding, again, understanding like a monkey.
Why xcode?
The Xcode environment turned out to be simply the most accessible due to the fact that I have been using poppies for many years - since the days of x4. I just downloaded it from the app store, it might not have been enough to download the terminal, since all the entry-level exercises in the mentioned book are in the main.c mode and debug the log. I know the interface partially, simply because I have been using osx for a long time.
In general, lowering the bar lower and lower, so to speak, from "objective c" to "c", I reached python, simply because I found a good collection of an introductory course in programming in this language, downloaded a simple compiler for poppy axis, I sit, write, take notes.
Why is this all for me:
naturally, the first thing that came to mind was trend developments for ios, because I use it myself, and all Apple peripherals and devices, it happened.
I watched a dozen or three videos about working in xcode and writing applications at the level of "here is my blog on a blue background, and here are my videos on a red background" many promising languages, development areas, and trends. There were even thoughts to produce the application - since I have experience in marketing and sales, but again without knowing the mat at all. part decided that this is my personal stupidity.
So far, there are 2 criteria for the profession, or claims, so to speak:
work remotely, application programming - well, the second one is probably obvious to everyone, because everything monetized is applied.
Why C and Python? because I found kindergarten level how-to guides, and decided that they are the very foundation of the basics - well, or partially available to my level in quotation marks, to understand how "this" happens.
Actually the most basic question:
how or in what (in what language, environment) - to learn the basics of work - so that there is a basis for understanding what is happening in general - analysis of what is happening :) - advice on literature?
Maybe I'm wrong and you don't need to get into the "basics", but you need to grab onto some trendy language and have a nightmare in it - pumping up to a junior and then how it goes. But it seems to me that this is the wrong approach - because simply memorizing some methods, descriptions, algorithms, without basic knowledge, promises a large number of problems in the future.
Why I want to do programming:
I didn't grieve, I had my own business in the EU, import to the Russian market, with the well-known events of the last year, for several months everything was covered by a famous place. Bankrupt like so many now. I understand that this is a challenge of the time and I need to learn another profession, I understand that everything goes into e-commerce, the Internet is the future there. 21st century. Well, by the age of 40, you don’t want to remain bare ass on the side of the road. Now 31, I think on the front so to speak. There are reasons ...
Well, according to my feelings, this is a very flexible specialty in demand, space applications - just study and work, improve your prof. qualification.
There is a lot of time to study, I don’t have to work, as it should, but not much yet, I print quickly, blind printing, I know I love poppies for a long time, 11-12 years old, I’m not infected with the iPhoneization virus and all that.
Of course, I would like to spend time not on dry academic knowledge, but on applied knowledge - well, again, due to age restrictions, I did not finish Bauman or St. Petersburg University in applied mathematics, alas.
Thanks in advance for your advice and guidance...

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1 answer(s)
Ilya, 2015-01-31

I advise you to start not with the language, but with programming (if I may say so), to study the basics of discrete mathematics.
Also, there is an excellent free course in English (English will also have to be studied if you suddenly have problems with this):
Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python on edx.org
But now the semester has already begun, so you can try to take the course already after the end, in a new set. I don’t know the dates of the new intake, I only know that the end of the current semester is in March.
I will add from myself that this course exactly corresponds to its name. An introduction to the basics of programming, and python is used here as a means (not an end).

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