Denis2022-01-21 16:13:43
Denis, 2022-01-21 16:13:43

How to develop a game in c++ for android?

How to develop a game in c++ for android?
Are there any libraries for this or something?

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2 answer(s)
Evgeny Shatunov, 2022-01-21

The simplest solution for game development is Cocos2d-x , Defold or Godot .
These are ready-made solutions for developing games for various platforms, including Android.
All engines provide tools specifically for C++, unlike SDL.
SDL is written in C and is not appropriate in the context of C++ development.
If you want to do the development of the engine, and not the game, then instead of SDL you should take SFML , which is already made in C ++ and is a pretty good framework. Based on SFML, you can quickly make a small engine for a small game.

GavriKos, 2022-01-21

SDL+Android NDK.

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