inbider2017-09-19 14:17:34
inbider, 2017-09-19 14:17:34

How to determine the similarity (rewriting, uniqueness) of 2 texts in Go (Golang)?

Greetings to all!)
Gentlemen, it is necessary to determine the similarity (rewriting, uniqueness) of two (or more) texts among themselves. Maybe someone faced a similar task, share tips, links to libraries.
P.S. Thanks in advance!

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2 answer(s)
inbider, 2017-09-22

The task turned out to be rather non-trivial and there are quite a few cases of solving it, but for those who are interested, you can start digging from here: https://4gophers.ru/articles/semanticheski-analiz-...

asd111, 2017-09-19

There is difflib for python. The code below has not been tested but should work.

from difflib import SequenceMatcher
file_1 = "text_1.txt"
file_2 = "text_2.txt"
s = SequenceMatcher(lambda x: x == " ", # пропускаем пробелы
print(round(s.ratio(), 3)) # число от 0 до 1. 0 - совсем не похожи ; 1 - идентичный текст

The whole thing in python can be easily parallelized, etc.

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