Danil2018-07-23 11:39:45
Danil, 2018-07-23 11:39:45

How to determine that the memory is dual-channel?

I have a motherboard with support for dual-channel memory (slots of different colors). Now I’m choosing RAM and I can’t find where in the RAM description it writes about the number of channels. How to define it?

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2 answer(s)
Vladislav Lyskov, 2018-07-23

the mother supports dual-channel mode, you need two modules of the same volume - you get a dual-channel mode

Vadim Andreevich, 2018-07-25

Now I’m choosing RAM and I can’t find where in the RAM description it writes about the number of channels.

And you won't find it. Since there is no single-channel / dual-channel / one hundred million five thousand channel memory;)
They are on the motherboard. If you have 2 slots on the motherboard. And the motherboard only works in dual-channel mode, then you will need to fill both slots with memory modules. Otherwise, with a probability of 80%, it will not work.
80% because there are such Mat.Plata that are two-channel and start on 1 module;)
I have everything. Thank you for your attention ;) All the best.

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