s3ek2012-11-30 12:20:11
s3ek, 2012-11-30 12:20:11

How to deploy with capistrano to a backend server through a frontend server?

The situation is this, there are 2 servers, both are on the local network and see each other, but only one looks at the Internet:

Server 1 has an external ip and ssh access from the Internet
Server 2 can be connected via ssh only using server 1, Internet access only through http/s proxy

How can I log in and deploy to server 2 through server 1 using Capistrano?

How to deploy: Deploy ---> Server 1
As you would like: Deploy ---> Server 1 ---> Server 2

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2 answer(s)
gorp, 2012-11-30

Applaud to Server 1 via ssh
and configure rsync on the second one.

gorp, 2012-11-30

the second option is
to set up some kind of git on server 1
Next, commit changes to it, and then
use cron or in another way to do git pull on both servers

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