Georgy Baruchyan2017-01-24 17:47:08
Georgy Baruchyan, 2017-01-24 17:47:08

How to deploy multiple Symfony3 projects on the same server?

Good afternoon.
Faced the following problem:
A symfony3 project is deployed on the server. Now I need to deploy another project.
I tied another domain to the server, installed symfony in its folder. I launched php bin/console server:start <domain_name> in the console,
I access it from the browser, but the previous project is displayed.
The question is how to deploy two independent projects, maybe virtualenv like for django?
Couldn't google anything. Everywhere instructions for one project

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1 answer(s)
Юрий, 2017-01-24

установите nginx или apache.
если для dev окружения то можно просто на разных портах
php app/console server:start

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