sportik1742022-02-23 08:25:27
sportik174, 2022-02-23 08:25:27

How to deploy Django channels to VDS?

My Django application consists of both regular http requests and sockets

. Stack used:
1) Ubuntu 18.04
2) Django 4
3) Channels
4) Gunicorn
6) Systemd

How to properly deploy all this to the server?
I read the documentation on the channels deployment, it says about some kind of daphne , what is it? Is it a replacement for NGINX? So I didn't understand. Is it possible to use daphne with NGINX?

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1 answer(s)
Sergey Gornostaev, 2022-02-23

Daphne is a Gunicorn replacement. Deployment is described in the Channels documentation step by step.

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