eldar_web2016-12-30 02:20:14
Ruby on Rails
eldar_web, 2016-12-30 02:20:14

How to deploy a Ruby on Rails application to the server in a new way without unnecessary movements?

I am at this level:
I can create a rails application, write an application of any complexity and run through localhost:3000.
And I wanted to put it on the server. Oh damn, why now I have to learn so many technologies like capistrano, unicorn, hep-hap-lal-lal-lei, which they write about on the Internet how to set them up, but do not explain what everyone does. Was it really impossible to create a single one so that you could just take the application and install it.
So the question is this.
I have an application, I want to put it on the server, in a new way, in a modern way, how can I do this? Where to look? I know there are many posts on the Internet how to do it, but they are so different and do not explain what the commands do, they write and you are left in a dead end, i.e. they explain and write for themselves (greedy).

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4 answer(s)
alex maslakoff, 2016-12-30

Just deploy git on the server, download the code from the repository into it and launch the site. Then do some migrations, certificates, nginix....

Roman Mirilaczvili, 2016-12-30

For those who do not want to deal with system administration, there is PaaS:
Amazon Beanstalk

Eugene Burmakin, 2016-12-31

For example, like this: https://github.com/Freika/rails_server
Read the readme, everything about everything for the first time will take a maximum of an hour along with setting up the application for Capistrano 3. Then - 15 minutes / application.

dexdev, 2017-01-17

habrahabr.ru/post/240025 the easiest way to deploy an application on a VPS that can withstand heavy loads

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