andrianua2022-02-02 13:54:20
Google Drive
andrianua, 2022-02-02 13:54:20

How to delete files from a Mac, but what would they remain on the Google Disk cloud?

There is Google Drive, which is synchronized with a folder on a Macbook, from time to time a folder on a Mac is full, and all documents must be deleted from it. The idea is that in Google Drive, these documents were saved and stored as in an archive (not deleted when deleted from a folder on a Macbook).
(There was a question for PC, but it doesn't fit MacOs)

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1 answer(s)
Nikolai Turnaviotov, 2022-02-02

In theory, in the client, you can specify one-way synchronization only to the cloud, without deleting files on the machine / phone / tablet, just to free up space on the device

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