uvelichitel2020-01-31 18:48:45
uvelichitel, 2020-01-31 18:48:45

How to declare an array of arrays of arbitrary nesting?

I tried
type sl []sl
it compiles, and you can even construct

var foo sl = make(sl, 2)
var bar sl = make(sl, 0)
var bazz sl = make(sl, 2)
bazz[0] = foo
bazz[1] = bar
fmt.Println("size", unsafe.Sizeof(bazz))

[[[] []] []]
size 12
but it is not clear how to declare the element type and how to fill...

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2 answer(s)
Alexander Pavlyuk, 2020-02-02

If you declare type s1 []s1, then fill it like this:

s1 := s1{
      {}, {
        {}, {}, {}, {}, {},
      }, {},

This is of no use, really, because there is nowhere to store values.
If you just need to store an n-dimensional array, I would suggest that it is better to store a one-dimensional array, just write a function to access the desired element, taking into account n-dimensionality.
If you need multi-nesting and nested neighboring elements can have different dimensions, then you will have to make a structure so that you can store values.
type s1 struct {
  Value    int // тут любой тип можно, в принципе, лучше указателем
  Children []s1

func main() {
  s1 := s1{
    Children: []s1{
      {Children: []s1{
        {Value: 1}, {Value: 2}, {Value: 3},
      {Children: []s1{
        {Value: 4}, {Value: 5},

alfss, 2020-01-31


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