Anatoly2019-05-02 11:11:39
Search Engine Optimization
Anatoly, 2019-05-02 11:11:39

How to deal with text re-optimization?

After reading a book about text editing, I tried myself as an editor.
I ordered an article on a legal topic, on the copywriter exchange they wrote an article with 90% uniqueness, after all, the topic is legal, there is no other name for articles of the law.
I set myself the following task:
- remove text from the article that is not useful to the reader
- simplify the understanding of the text - describe in simple language
- add examples
- analyze special cases - frequently asked questions
No sooner said than done. From a complex text made: useful and simple. Copy paste was only for the articles of the law - you can’t replace them.
I searched the Internet for questions on the topic, looked at the answers - supplemented my text. In the examples, I replaced: numbers, full names and situations.
After all the manipulations, I checked the quality of the text:
Glavred: purity 8.9 / readability 9.3
etext (anti-plagiarism): uniqueness 79% / rewriting check 45% !!!
Turgenev: 10 points - a high level of getting banned from search engines. Such a high score is caused by the repetition of the same words.
Question: How to be? Inventing synonyms in legal matters is a so-so solution.
The text is written simply and to the point. If you delete words in sentences, their meaning will be lost. Replacing words with pronouns is not a very good idea. Making one complex out of three sentences is not an option.
All the same, how to be? Let it be as it is? Now the text is perfect for a person, but with a PS you can grab a ban. Fill the text with water, or what?
PS. I don’t know if the question is in the right category, I just couldn’t find a more suitable one. If you know the correct category, please let me know.

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4 answer(s)
Puma Thailand, 2019-05-02

Texts for people almost never get banned from search engines, there is nothing to worry about

Alexander Denisov, 2019-05-02

Focus on people, not robots. And do for people, not for robots.
Search engines do not have the same uniqueness/rewrite algorithms as etxt (same as advego and text.ru). For such a text, you will not have any sanctions, you can not be afraid.
PS Until now, there are sites in the search results that are created entirely on copy-paste, and collect traffic quite well.

Dimonchik, 2019-05-02

but with a PS you can grab a ban.

Do you have experience or are you just afraid of flags?
there are levels in CEO, transitions between which are achieved only by experience
knowing, for example, what Ashmanov is, you can ignore Turgenev
or not ignore
this is decided only by evidence-based medicine

Alexandra, 2019-05-02

Did you look at the results for the right queries for this page? See what's in the top, the number of occurrences and build on that. Moreover, you did a good job on the text, according to you.
PS To calm your conscience, look at different sites from the top for different queries - and Turgenev will show the risk.

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