dkrylov2017-04-13 22:27:08
dkrylov, 2017-04-13 22:27:08

How to customize a shape when rendering in a view?

Hello dear programmers!
In continuation, already a series of questions on yii2, I want to ask how to customize the form when rendering in the form. Those. using gii I have generated CRUD. And in the form of update.php I see this thing:

<?= $this->render('_form', [
        'model' => $model,
]) ?>

How to customize the form created in this form? Set CSS classes, and other options. If possible, then in an example, because I didn’t google Google =(
Please give an example.

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1 answer(s)
Denis Derepko, 2017-04-13

The render method in the controller is used to display the file. To somehow modify the form or something else, you need to edit in the file itself (for example, _form). For example shape ( example ) or inputs

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