fomenko_alexandr2017-04-24 15:42:55
fomenko_alexandr, 2017-04-24 15:42:55

How to create your own API (php)?

Hello masters.
I very often work with api of third-party services, and this is very convenient for me as a developer. Therefore, I wanted to write my own api, for personal purposes.
Very often I hear that there is private (for personal purposes) and public, which we use on many sites.
And I would like to write my own api, because it is very convenient and practical, but so far it is difficult to imagine exactly how to do it. What are the rules for designing an api interface, and are there any at all? Is there an example, or tutorial on designing/writing an api?
I would be very grateful if you share an example of how this is implemented in php.

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2 answer(s)
Mokhirjon Naimov, 2017-04-24

  • REST
  • Learning REST: A Guide to Creating a RESTful Service

Ivan Vorobei, 2017-04-24

There was such a need, first I wrote my own from scratch. After I came to my senses and went through the Laravel documentation , now I deploy simple APIs myself in a couple of hours

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