kibergile2021-01-28 19:04:39
kibergile, 2021-01-28 19:04:39

How to create something other than name in activity discord.py?

How to create an activity in ds.py-rewrite with the required fields, for example, I tried to create a name and a party with the fields, but only the name is displayed. Why?

await client.change_presence(status=discord.Status.online, activity = Activity(name = 'test', party = {'id': 'тут айди из discord.com/dev', 'size': [2, 5]}, type = ActivityType.playing))

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2 answer(s)
Maxim Nevzorov, 2021-01-28

discord.py bot activity with app?

Alexey Volkov, 2021-01-28

I don't think it's a working code, try to measure and enterdiscord.Game

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