kott9ra2015-03-16 13:53:03
kott9ra, 2015-03-16 13:53:03

How to create modules for YII2 correctly?

I am creating an admin panel for the site and the question arises of how to organize everything correctly.
Approximate plan
site.ru/index.php?r=admin //The admin panel itself with the output of all the necessary information
site.ru/index.php?r=admin/posts/[index|edit|delete|view] //The post management page
site.ru/index.php?r=admin/users/[index|edit|delete|view] //User management page
1. I create the admin module
2. I create the postController and userController controllers in the admin\controllers\ folder
3. I create Models and Crud for post and user
In the right direction I think or am I wrong?

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1 answer(s)
Dmitry Bay, 2015-03-16

modules are also made through gii.
One more thing, most likely for controllers in the admin module, you'd better inherit from a controller with admin access only.

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