Ilya2017-07-06 21:00:02
Ilya, 2017-07-06 21:00:02

How to create folders with php?

I read and review books. A page on my website is devoted to this: sidorchik.ru/books/

It is inconvenient for me to add new books and notes, so I am thinking how to automate the process.

The idea is this: I fill out a form on the site with information about a new book, press a button, and everything is done for me: information is uploaded to the database and a folder is created on the server. For example, I read the book “First say“ no ”” - the folder “no” will appear at this address: sidorchik.ru/books/no/

How to do this using php?

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2 answer(s)
ThunderCat, 2017-07-06

Everything you need is here

Kirill Nesmeyanov, 2017-07-06

1) In the normal world, this is done using virtual directories and routing
2) In your case, because this is how the question is posed - you will need php.net/manual/ru/function.mkdir.php

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