Alexander2019-04-06 13:53:38
Alexander, 2019-04-06 13:53:38

How to create folders and files with pre-set owner and group?

There is a domain folder /var/www/mysite.ru with permissions 775 . As an owner ( user1) a user who connects via SFTP and accordingly can change the contents of files, create folders \ files, delete them, etc. And as a group - web- this group includes users of the necessary services - a web server, PHP-FPM, etc.

[[email protected] www] ls -l mysite.ru
drwxrwxr-x 4 user1 web   4096 апр  6 13:00 public

When creating a new folder or a new file as user1 , user1 is set as the default group . It is impossible to change the group on behalf of the same user1, because it does not have admin rights.
[[email protected] www]$ touch mysite.ru/myfile && ls -l mysite.ru
итого 4
-rwxrwxr-x 1 user1 user1    0 апр  6 13:54 myfile
drwxrwxr-x 4 user1 web   4096 апр  6 13:00 public

It is necessary that when creating folders and files on behalf of each of the users (user1, user2, ...), the user who created the file / folder is set as the default owner, and web as the group . But at the same time, there is a nuance - it is impossible to assign each of these users the web group as a standard one, because this group has read-write permissions in service directories (logs, for example), which should not be writable by users.
How can this be implemented?

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vreitech, 2019-04-06

setfacl -m d:g:web:rwx /var/www/mysite.ru

Ronald McDonald, 2019-04-06

mkdir -m777 <foldername>
For example.

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