monochromer2015-02-24 18:36:47
monochromer, 2015-02-24 18:36:47

How to create an emmet snippet for Brackets with multicursor support?

The goal is to create an html view structure

<!-- ${cursor} -->
    <div class="${cursor}"></div>
<!-- end ${cursor} -->

so that there is a cursor in the ${cursor} places and it would be possible to write text at the same time.
But in the Brackets editor, the cursor becomes only one position.
The snippet itself looks like this:
"di": "<!-- ${cursor} -->\n\t<div class=\"${cursor}\"></div>\n<!-- end ${cursor}-->"

There is a similar snippet for Sublime text :
<!-- begin $1  -->
<div class="$1">
<!-- end $1 -->
<!-- Optional: Set a tabTrigger to define how to trigger the snippet -->
<!-- Optional: Set a scope to limit where the snippet will trigger -->

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