sidor_tank2019-07-28 20:42:54
sidor_tank, 2019-07-28 20:42:54

How to create a specific request?

Hello everyone, I need to create a query that contains a subquery with a condition.
I need to make sure that if this subquery condition is not met for at least one record, then the parent record is also not selected from the database. I hope I explained it clearly, in fact it looks like this: from the request we select Map<'record1', List<'record2'>>, if at least one of record2 does not fulfill the condition, the map member should not be selected from the database.

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1 answer(s)
Igor Vorotnev, 2019-07-29

Based on the assumption that it's one-to-many and dates are date you need a normal JOIN and date comparison:

FROM `products`
JOIN `opportunities`
ON `opportunities`.`product_id` = `products`.`id`
WHERE `start_date` > '2019-07-01'
AND `end_date` < '2019-08-01';

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