islam-4042021-04-24 23:48:53
Video broadcast
islam-404, 2021-04-24 23:48:53

How to create a paid streaming service?

How to create a stream (video stream) with a subscription? We already have a website, an ios and an android application, they are even published in the app store and play market, but we missed the main thing. The stream goes through VK and the link to the broadcast is easily copied. YouTube will not work, because it bans a little, and if it bans, then about 20k fines will come to the IP, and the IP will be closed.
There is an excellent remote computer from selectel.ru.
Payment, registration is available, only here you can copy the stream link on the site and watch without a subscription.

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2 answer(s)
Philipp, 2021-04-25

https://www.nginx.com/products/nginx/ streaming-media/

Yuri Udovichenko, 2021-04-25

Our company has a large set of features to solve your problem for our Nimble Streamer media server .

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