Chaly952019-03-21 11:16:18
Chaly95, 2019-03-21 11:16:18

How to create a new Gutenberg block, an image with a button?

Unable to create block with link.
I need to create a block wrapped in a link, the block will contain an image and text.
The image and text were created successfully.
To create, I used https://github.com/ahmadawais/create-guten-block
But I can’t understand how to create a link, I didn’t find anything in the search (
Maybe someone did something similar, the main thing is to have a link)
The code of what I have there is:

 * BLOCK: gutensnails
 * Registering a basic block with Gutenberg.
 * Simple block, renders and saves the same content without any interactivity.

//  Import CSS.
const { RichText, MediaUpload, PlainText } = wp.editor;
const { registerBlockType } = wp.blocks;
const { Button } = wp.components;

// Import our CSS files
import './style.scss';
import './editor.scss';

registerBlockType('card-block/main', {
  title: 'Categoty link2',
  icon: 'heart',
  category: 'common',
  attributes: {
    title: {
      source: 'text',
      selector: '.card__title'
    body: {
      type: 'array',
      source: 'children',
      selector: '.card__body'
    imageAlt: {
      attribute: 'alt',
      selector: '.card__image'
    imageUrl: {
      attribute: 'src',
      selector: '.card__image'
  edit({ attributes, className, setAttributes }) {

    const getImageButton = (openEvent) => {
      if(attributes.imageUrl) {
        return (
            src={ attributes.imageUrl }
            onClick={ openEvent }
      else {
        return (
          <div className="button-container">
              onClick={ openEvent }
              className="button button-large"
              Pick an image

    return (
      <div className="container">
          onSelect={ media => { setAttributes({ imageAlt: media.alt, imageUrl: media.url }); } }
          value={ attributes.imageID }
          render={ ({ open }) => getImageButton(open) }
          onChange={ content => setAttributes({ title: content }) }
          value={ attributes.title }
          placeholder="Your card title"
          onChange={ content => setAttributes({ body: content }) }
          value={ attributes.body }
          placeholder="Your card text"
          formattingControls={ ['bold', 'italic', 'underline'] }
          isSelected={ attributes.isSelected }


  save({ attributes }) {

    const cardImage = (src, alt) => {
      if(!src) return null;

      if(alt) {
        return (
            src={ src }
            alt={ alt }

      // No alt set, so let's hide it from screen readers
      return (
          src={ src }

    return (
      <div className="card">
        { cardImage(attributes.imageUrl, attributes.imageAlt) }
        <div className="card__content">
          <h3 className="card__title">{ attributes.title }</h3>
          <div className="card__body">
            { attributes.body }

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