karmyskove2021-09-22 10:22:16
karmyskove, 2021-09-22 10:22:16

How to create a free cluster?

Hello! When choosing "free tier available" a note is shown with the monthly amount charged, the question is, will it be free or not in the end? The fact that you need to link a card does not give you rest.

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1 answer(s)
rPman, 2021-09-22

Read the free tier limits very carefully, it may turn out that your tasks will consume it in a day and then you will have the indicated price.
In order not to get caught like here https://habr.com/ru/post/532624/ (after all, they may not forgive!)
Their business is such that you first need to confuse with complex tariffs, withdraw money from you, and then figure it out.
ps linking a bank card is an authorization mechanism so that you don't take on 100500 free accounts

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