WingRS2017-04-24 20:57:52
WingRS, 2017-04-24 20:57:52

How to create a custom user in yii2?

Yii2 has its own user, I am making new functionality for the old database, but the problem is that all users already exist, and there is only one column with a password in the table with the user. Is it possible to somehow customize the framework user for a specific table?

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2 answer(s)
Maxim Timofeev, 2017-04-25

If the password in the old database is not hashed and stored in its original form, then pay attention
and specifically on the generatePasswordHash() method.
Here are the methods for generating an authorization key and a hash password:

public function setPassword($password)
        $this->password_hash = Yii::$app->security->generatePasswordHash($password);
    public function generateAuthKey()
        $this->auth_key = Yii::$app->security->generateRandomString();

That is, in fact, you can go through the old database and generate a new one with the desired password hash and authorization string, which, by the way, is just a set of random characters.

Dmitry, 2017-04-24

Good evening.
The first option is to add your fields to the table.
The second option is to create a second table where all user data will be stored and link it to the first one by user id.

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