Otrub2019-10-07 12:36:22
System administration
Otrub, 2019-10-07 12:36:22

How to create a COM object and call its methods in NSIS?

I use SOAP toolkit to access the web service, which is convenient because there is a COM interface.
The scheme is as follows:
1. I run the SoapClient.vbs script, pass it the contents of the request in the $tempFile file and the $queryMethod' conditional method.

nsExec::ExecToStack '$0\cscript.exe //NOLOGO $\"$TEMP\SoapClient.vbs$\" $tempFile $queryMethod'

2. The SoapClient.vbs script reads the contents of the $tempFile file, selects a method based on the parameter, calls it, and puts the response back into $tempFile.
Dim resp
Set objArgs= Wscript.Arguments
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set file = fso.OpenTextFile(objArgs(0), 1, False, -1)
content = file.ReadAll
Set soapclient = CreateObject ("MSSOAP.SoapClient30")
SOAPClient.mssoapinit ("http://localhost:80/service?wsdl")
If objArgs(1) = "getLic" Then
  resp = SOAPClient.GetLic(content)
ElseIf objArgs(1) = "setLic" Then
  resp = SOAPClient.SetLic(content)
End If
Set soapclient = Nothing
Set file = fso.OpenTextFile(objArgs(0), 2, False, -1)

3. NSIS reads the file, profit!
How to create similar entities inside NSIS and not use VBS?
ps There were attempts to do it, but I don’t have the hardware (there is no complete understanding of what is happening in the code), I couldn’t figure it out. The matter is that there is one more script, and it too uses COM interfaces. I would like to implement it in NSIS by analogy in the future.
!define IID_StdOle      '{00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}'
    !define IID_IDispatch   '{00020400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}'
    !define IID_IUnknown    '{00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}'
    !define IID_NULL        '{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}'
    !define CLSCTX_SERVER           0x015
    !define LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT   0x800

    DetailPrint "== CLSIDFromProgID =="
    System::Call `Ole32::CLSIDFromProgID(w,&g16)i ("MSSOAP.SoapClient30",.r0).r2`

    DetailPrint "== CoCreateInstance =="
    System::Call `Ole32::CoCreateInstance(g r0,i 0,i ${CLSCTX_SERVER},g '${IID_IDispatch}',*i .r1) i .r2`

    DetailPrint "== IDispatch::GetTypeInfoCount =="
    System::Call `$1->3(*i .r3)i .r2`

    DetailPrint "== IDispatch::GetTypeInfo =="
    System::Call `$1->4(i 0,i ${LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT},*g .r3)i .r2`

    DetailPrint "== Oleaut32::SysAllocString =="
    System::Call `Oleaut32::SysAllocString(w "mssoapinit")i .r4`

    DetailPrint "== IDispatch::GetIDsOfNames =="
    System::Call `$1->5(g ${IID_NULL},*i r4,i 1,i ${LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT},*i .r3)i .r2`

    DetailPrint "== mssoapinit =="
    System::Call `$1->1(w "http://localhost:80/service?wsdl")t .r2`

    DetailPrint "== Oleaut32::SysFreeString =="
    System::Call `Oleaut32::SysFreeString(*i r4)`
    DetailPrint "== IUnknown::Release =="
    System::Call `$1->2()i .r2`
    DetailPrint "  RefCount=$2" 

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