krembrule20162017-01-09 19:27:57
krembrule2016, 2017-01-09 19:27:57

How to correctly read and convert the contents of a text file?

Good time of the day!
Faced the problem of converting the contents of a text file. There is no need to make any changes directly to the file itself.

Print result = () -> {    
        try(FileReader text = new FileReader("C:\\text.txt")) {
            while(( c = text.read()) != -1)
                y += 1;
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            return 0;
        return y;

Thus, I read the file and print its contents to the console. (Krakozyabras are displayed, but this is not about that now) Ideally, I need the content to also be written to the character array, but that's the problem. To create an array char[], you need to know its size, I would like to create a variable with the required size. That is why I ycount the number of characters in the file in a variable.
Then I create an array of the size I need. To fill it with characters from a text file, I think it is necessary to reuse the counting chunk approach, but this is where the problems arise:
char[] a = new char[(int)result.Printer()-1];
while(( c = text.read()) != -1)
                y += 1;
                char[] a = c; Вот тут возникает ошибка
                char[] a = (char)c; Так тоже не выходит
                а как надо?

Am I moving in the right direction at all? Can immediately make an array of obviously larger size? However, even with this approach, I run into the same type problem...

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3 answer(s)
Dmitry Alexandrov, 2017-01-09

public static void main(String[] args) {
    private static char[] test(){  
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        try( BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("D:\\text.txt"))) {
            String str;
            while( (str = br.readLine()) != null){
        } catch (IOException ex) {
           return sb.toString().toCharArray();
       return sb.toString().toCharArray();

[a, s, d, a, s, f, g, a, s, f, d, a, s, d, s, d, g, s, d, g, a, d, f , h, b, s, a, b, w, 4, q, g, , g, 3, , t, , 3, g, , 3, g, 3, g, , , g, r, v, 3 ]

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