Anton2015-06-30 10:51:17
Anton, 2015-06-30 10:51:17

How to correctly organize the deletion / renaming of a file in Java?

I am writing a desktop halloworld in JavaFX that can suck updates from the server and update itself to the current stable version.
I implemented it like this:
1. The main application (App.jar) checks if there are new versions, if there are, downloads a new version of itself (NewVerApp.jar) to its root folder and launches the console application Uppdater.jar, to which it passes its PID. (Assuming only one version of the app is running)
2. Uppdater.jar closes App.jar by its PID and tries to remove App.jar
3. Uppdater.jar renames NewVerApp.jar to App.jar
4. Uppdater.jar launches App.jar
5 .Uppdater.jar closes, update completed successfully.
The slippery point is that when Uppdater.jar closes App.jar, a subprocess is created that runs for a while:

     * Закрывает приложение по его PID
     * @param pid
    public void killAppByPID(String pid){

        Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
        try {
            Process p = r.exec("taskkill /F /PID " + pid);
        } catch (IOException e) {

While the file is being closed, it is locked (it cannot be deleted), and the lock time is longer than p.isAlive().
Therefore, I decided to delete it like this:
import java.io.File;

public class RenameFileThread implements Runnable{

    private File srcFileNew, srcFileOld;
    private Thread go;

// File srcFileNew = new File("NewVerApp.jar");
// File srcFileOld  = new File("App.jar");
    RenameFileThread(File srcFileNew, File srcFileOld){

        this.srcFileNew = srcFileNew;
        this.srcFileOld = srcFileOld;

        go = new Thread(this);

    public void run(){

        Thread th = Thread.currentThread();
        while(go == th){

           // если старый файл успешно переименован, называем новый именем старого файла
            if (srcFileOld.delete()){
                srcFileNew.renameTo(new File("App.jar"));
        System.out.println("End of thread.");
    public void stop(){ go = null; }

The file is deleted on stream when it is successfully deleted - the new file is renamed.
After that, the application is launched:
Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
        try {
            Process p = r.exec("java -jar App.jar");
        } catch (IOException e) {

Are there any errors in this approach?
How to properly organize such a process?
What other solutions could there be?

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1 answer(s)
Vladimir Smirnov, 2015-07-01

What is Java Web Start :

  • Allows you to activate applications with one click
  • Ensures you are using the latest versions of applications
  • Eliminates the need for complex installation and upgrade procedures

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