Jedi2018-10-24 21:32:07
Jedi, 2018-10-24 21:32:07

How to correctly name the fields in the following tables?

Good evening.
I'm apparently a perfectionist, and sometimes I suffer from this ... now is exactly that moment.
How to correctly name the tables and fields that are inside?
After all, you have seen sites where you buy a subscription to a course. More precisely, you buy a subscription, and you are given the opportunity to view courses.
Let's start!)
There is a table tariffs (tariffs)
In it id, tariff name, price, tariff term (subscription period. For example, its destaie expires in a month), player tariff expiration (for example, it will be available until December), created_at and updated_at.
Next is the payments table, and it contains the following:
Id, user_id, tariff_id, expiration date (you need to write down that it will run out on November 24th), created_at and updated_at.
I beg you very much to help me write it all down correctly, to suggest ...
Thank you very much in advance!

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