mShpakov2018-09-10 18:27:59
Database design
mShpakov, 2018-09-10 18:27:59

How to correctly name a table for the third level of nesting?

The question may not be new, but I could not find the answer.
There is a huge entity (storing it within a single table is not an option) with a nested link between tables, as in the screenshot
. Actually, the question is, how to correctly name the 3rd table (and the column with the link key):
foo_bar_bazs (foo_bar_id) or bar_bazs (bar_id)

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1 answer(s)
longclaps, 2018-09-10

Here's a snippet of the tutorial database .

CREATE TABLE aircrafts (
    aircraft_code character(3) NOT NULL,
    model text NOT NULL,
    range integer NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT aircrafts_range_check CHECK ((range > 0))
COMMENT ON TABLE aircrafts IS 'Самолеты';
COMMENT ON COLUMN aircrafts.aircraft_code IS 'Код самолета, IATA';
COMMENT ON COLUMN aircrafts.model IS 'Модель самолета';
COMMENT ON COLUMN aircrafts.range IS 'Максимальная дальность полета, км';

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