nepster-web2014-05-25 23:51:58
nepster-web, 2014-05-25 23:51:58

How to correctly implement sending data to the server not from a form in Yii2?

I am making a tree-like comments module and there is a need for a rating.
The comment template itself looks something like this:

<li class="<?= $class ?>" id="comment-<?= $model['comm_id'] ?>" data-parent="<?= $model['parent_comm_id'] ?>">
    <div class="vote">
        <a class="upvote">&nbsp;</a>
        <a class="downvote">&nbsp;</a>

Sending data to the server goes like this:
var csrf_param = $('meta[name=csrf-param]').attr("content");
       var csrf_token = $('meta[name=csrf-token]').attr("content");

        var commentId = $(this).closest('.comment').attr('id').split('-');
       commentId = commentId[1];

$widget.on('click.comments', '.upvote', function() {
            var data = {'_csrf':csrf_token , 'type':'rating', 'vote':'up', 'comm_id':commentId};
                    requestToServer($(this), '/comments/default/vote', 'POST', data, successVote);
          return false;
      $widget.on('click.comments', '.downvote', function() {
            var data = {'_csrf':csrf_token , 'type':'rating', 'vote':'down', 'comm_id':commentId};
                    requestToServer($(this), '/comments/default/vote', 'POST', data, successVote);
          return false;

Now the following questions have arisen:
1) where is the best place to write the url address for voting (/comments/default/vote) to throw it in the meta tag or where?
2) maybe if anyone has advice on how to optimize and improve this whole thing?

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1 answer(s)
Alexander Zelenin, 2014-05-26

url can be written in the link itself

<a href="/comments/default/vote" class="upvote">&nbsp;</a>

or as a variable:
var ajax = {
voteUrl: '/comments/default/vote',

Since your two methods differ only in the vote variable, it is logical that this should be collected in one method.

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