Durilka962021-05-01 22:52:59
Durilka96, 2021-05-01 22:52:59

How to correctly implement search in DBGrid through LabelEdit1 in C++ Builder?

There are 2 tables, the column structure is attached in the screenshots 608db0213b29f572289612.png
. I'm trying to implement a search through LabelEdit1 on the KeyPress event as follows:

if (N12->Checked==true) {
  ADOQuery1->SQL->Add ("SELECT  a.familia,  c.kolichestvo, c.ch, c.mes, c.god FROM sotrudnik a,  main c WHERE a.familia LIKE '%" + LabledEdit1->Text +  "%' ORDER BY a.familia;");
  gridM();     //класс для обновления столбцов в dbgrid

the problem of data search is that id_s are stored in the main table, which correspond to id_s from the sotrudnik table, and the search is performed by human letters in labeledit, because the data in the dbgrid is shown not by id_s but by surnames, where I am mistaken in the query, it displays incorrectly , and how to add int variables to sql query IntToStr() does not help, swears at him

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