Roman Kuzmenko2018-06-14 10:19:34
Roman Kuzmenko, 2018-06-14 10:19:34

How to correctly delete a record from the database during import?

Introductory: Yii2, MySQL, Excel We
import data from an Excel file into the database, check if the record already exists in the database, then change it, if not, then add a new one. The question is how to delete a row from the database if it is in the database, but it is not in the import file?

$emodel = new \app\models\Products;
$exists = $emodel->find()->where(['article' => $sheetData[$baseRow]['A']])->exists();

if($exists > 0) {
 // Изменяем
} else {
// Добавляем

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3 answer(s)
Dmitry Bay, 2018-06-14

Not always you will go through the entire excel file at once.
About 5 years ago I worked hard on excel in php. And specifically in your task, I added the is_imported field.
Before the beginning of all import - put 0 in all lines. After the end of the import, I worked with unchanged lines.

Dmitry Kim, 2018-06-14

Adding a column `is_free`.
Before starting processing, we put on the necessary lines `is_free` = 1.
We go through all the lines in the file, when adding or changing we set `is_free` = 0.
Delete all entries `is_free` = 1.

davidnum95, 2018-06-14

We save the id of the records that have been added / changed to the array, then we remove from the database all the records that are not in the array.
Product::deleteAll(['not', ['id' => $ids]]);

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